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Heart Temple Sangha (Community)
Spiritual Talk + Guided Meditation
Wednesday Evenings
Insight Meditation Community of Washington
7:30-8:30pm EDT

The Heart Temple Sangha is made possible by the

Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) &

The Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine

Subscribe on the IMCW website to get access to the secure Zoom link:

Classes are offered by donation, called dana  {"DAH-na"), in the  language of the Buddha.



Donate to the Kaplan Center's 

Foundation for Total Recovery



Private Sessions for Healing & Transformation

Get Unstuck

Free yourself from thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make you feel stuck. Evolve your self-care through mindfulness and self-compassion practices tailored to you. Empower yourself to make wise and kind choices that are in alignment with your heart and spirit.


Mindfulness Check-Ins

Ask Questions

Personalize Your Practice

New to mindfulness meditation? 

Want to check in on how best to start a regular meditation practice?

Is there something arising in your existing practice that you need some guidance on?

These 30-minute check-ins are just for you.


Sliding scale is available for private sessions.

S  A  R  V  A  L  A

Our deepest patterns of suffering can only be healed in the presence of a great Love.

©2024 by S A R V A L A

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